

From May 29, 2024 until May 31, 2024

在新加坡 - 新加坡博覽中心,新加坡,新加坡




分類: IT與技術, 電信

標籤: 倉儲



亞洲最大的衛星舞台。註冊現已開放!亞洲衛星(30 月 31 日至 29 月 XNUMX 日)。亞洲衛星商業週刊(XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日)。 SatelliteAsia 與亞洲衛星商業週刊。亞洲衛星商業週刊衛星市場動態衛星合作框架。寬頻和普遍可近性。衛星地面部分。直接到設備通訊。衛星地球觀測。

SatelliteAsia by Novaspace 是 Euroconsult Group 與 SpaceTec Partners(以前稱為 SpaceTec Partners)的合併,是 Asia Tech x Singapore 的一部分 - 由 Informa Tech 與新加坡資訊通訊媒體發展局共同舉辦。

SatelliteAsia has become the premier event in Asia for satellite communications technology. The exhibition gathers leading satcom companies from around the globe to showcase the latest innovations and services. Attendees have the opportunity to network, meet exhibitors and schedule meetings. SatelliteAsia, with its focus on the satcom sector, provides a platform where companies can stay updated with the latest advancements and trends in the field.

As the largest SatComs stage in the region, it's an event not to be missed for anyone looking to stay on the cutting edge of satellite technology.


ASBW 是一個為已在亞洲開展業務或計劃在亞洲開展業務的 C 級航太行業利益相關者提供的論壇。約 40 位產業領袖將登台討論最熱門的科技驅動議題。