

From May 31, 2024 until June 01, 2024

在悉尼 - 悉尼展覽場,新南威爾士州,澳大利亞



分類: 食品和飲料

標籤: 啤酒, 節日


GABS Festival – One of the best beer festivals in the world SYD | BNE | MEL

Tickets are on sale now. WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET FOR A BEER. World record beer tasting. 30 May 2024 ICC Parkside Ballroom.

GABS Festival was founded in 2011 to bring people together and share exceptional experiences. You'll find beer, wine and cocktails at this festival, which is often called a Disneyland for beer enthusiasts. There are also live bands, games, and more than 50 drinks stands. More than 500 beer taps all under one roof. Click on the nearest city to learn more.

歡迎來到 GABS 國際釀酒師集體,這是一項獨家活動,全球釀酒皇室齊聚一堂,與精釀啤酒行業的一些最傑出的人士交流經驗和見解。 IBC 作為行業盛會而設立,現已成為卓越釀造的燈塔。它邀請了全球知名人士來激勵澳洲的精釀啤酒業。

我們感謝所有使 GABS 順利運作的志工和捐助者。如果您有興趣,我們很樂意邀請您作為 GABS 活動的志工。您將開始工作並與其他啤酒愛好者見面,但也有一些很棒的福利。準備好品嚐各種美味、奇特且節日獨有的啤酒吧。

GABS Cares has teamed up some amazing breweries in order to give away beer packages during lockdown to share joy with family and friends. Watch out for our next campaigns.