

From October 28, 2024 until October 30, 2024

利雅得 - 沙特阿拉伯利雅得省利雅得國際會展中心




分類: 食品和飲料, 肉類,家禽和海鮮

標籤: 清真, 家禽類, 急凍肉類


頁| 2023 年沙特國際清真博覽會

2024 年沙烏地阿拉伯國際清真博覽會和高峰會。清真不僅僅是食物。 2024 年世博會:有關世博會的資訊。 清真博覽會:參加的幾個理由。 開展業務 - 促進銷售。 接觸新的目標客戶群和潛在合作夥伴。 面對面行銷是一個強大的工具。 HALAL 2020,活動亮點。


This is a great platform for showcasing the latest developments on the global halal markets and highlighting challenges that the halal sector faces, such as regulation, standardization and compliance. It is also a wonderful opportunity to highlight the latest innovations in the halal sector, as well as research and development.It's also a great way for both domestic and international players to explore opportunities that go beyond halal, such as in the areas of food, halal medicine, medical devices and equipment, finance, modest clothing, personal care, cosmetics and green technology.The 2nd HALAL Expo focuses on supporting local and global players to find innovative and sustainable initiatives that will promote the steady growth in the Halal Economy.HALAL EXPO is not limited to MENA but will also be supported internationally by international pavilions, including trade commissions, government agencies, experts in the industry and market leaders.Venue: Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center.