
2025 美容週

From January 15, 2025 until January 17, 2025
Koto - Tokyo Big Sight,東京,日本


All the beauty products, cosmetics, ingredients, OEM, packaging and beauty equipment are all here! Upcoming Shows Schedule. Tokyo Show is composed of the following shows. Cosmetics Marketing Expo. The Osaka Show is made up of:. Japan's largest trade show organizer. Mission of RX Japan Official Korean Blog.

*ESTHEC Japan、INNER BELOVE TOKYO - Cosmetics Marketing Expo、Hair Expo,僅在一月份舉辦。

日期:25年2024月27日(星期三) - 2020年XNUMX月XNUMX日(星期五)地點:大阪國際展覽中心(日本)大阪展包括:


The 2024/02/20 [Tokyo Show] post-show report is now available!The 2024/01/22 [Tokyo Show] visitor count 2024 has been released!The 2024/01/19 Exhibiting Information Request for the upcoming show is now available!2024/01/17 [Tokyo Show] Day 1 Scene released!

主辦單位:RX Japan Ltd.COSME Week Show 管理。


RX Japan organizes 90 exhibitions* per year in large exhibition halls like Tokyo Big Sight and Makuhari Messe, as well as Intex Osaka, covering 39 different fields such jewellery, fashion and gift items, electronics and energy, IT and cosmetics, and medical. RX Japan organizes 90 exhibitions a year in 39 different fields. Please visit their website to find out more.*Composed of a total of 372 sub-exhibitions. Click here for more information >>



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Koto - Tokyo Big Sight,東京,日本 Koto - Tokyo Big Sight,東京,日本


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