

From March 21, 2025 until March 23, 2025
盧塞恩 - 盧塞恩, 盧塞恩, 瑞士

Für Besucher - 瑞士武器交易所

49th International Weapons Collectors FairMarch 21-23, 2025Lucerne Trade Fair. International weapons collectors exchange. For shooters, hunters and lovers of militaria, weapons, and firearms. Successful weapons collectors' fair. Special anti-tank display Army 61. Society Weapons and Militaria GWM. Online portal "Suisse epolice". Shooting compressed air weapons. Crossbow and archery shooting.

The popular weapons collectors fair was held in Lucerne Allmend from March 22nd through 24th 2024. It once again proved its popularity. The three-day trade fair saw thousands of fans of weapons fill the halls. They inspected the impressive displays of passionate exhibitors, bargained for rare items, purchased weapons, militaria, and handmade knives, and attended special historical shows. Collectors, hunters, traders and shooters can look forward to the 2025 edition, which will take place from March 21st-23rd.

今年,KTA 761 GmbH Bubits Arms 舉辦了一場以 CH Army 61 反坦克戰為主題的令人印象深刻的展覽。

GWM(致力於並感興趣的軍用武器和武器收藏家協會)將於 2024 年在武器收藏家交易所展示令人印象深刻的「被遺忘的步槍」。

線上入口網站「Suisse epolice」是盧塞恩警察局武器部門提供資訊的地方。這包括可以以電子方式報告的新請求或武器轉讓。





盧塞恩 - 盧塞恩, 盧塞恩, 瑞士 盧塞恩 - 盧塞恩, 盧塞恩, 瑞士


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