
印花服裝和促銷活動! 2025

From February 23, 2025 until February 25, 2025
伯明翰 - NEC,英國,英國
分類: 服裝和服裝
標籤: 服装


印花服裝和促銷現場!該活動與 Sign & Digital UK 在伯明翰 NEC 成功舉辦後,吸引了創紀錄的參觀人數,超過 7,500 人。

The total number of unique visitors at the exhibition was 7,223, a massive increase of 2,247 compared to 2023 (4,976 unique visitors in 2023). The number of visitors to the exhibition increased by 2,247 in 2023 to 7,223 unique visitors (2024: 7,223 vs. 2023: 4,976).

創紀錄的參觀人數和參展商的壓倒性積極反饋證實了主機託管對於擴大展會和觀眾數量的重要性。超過 80% 的 SDUK 訪客在 P&P LIVE 度過了時光。在為期三天的活動中。

活動總監 Tony Gardner 表示:「SDUK 一直在努力從COVID-19 中恢復過來。我們知道今年的展會是第35 屆,但首先由Datateam 負責,這將是重建的開始。該展會需要重新啟動新的形式給了它一種重新煥發活力的感覺,這次合址取得了巨大的成功,為我們在2025 年舉辦SDUK 以及重新將SDUK 納入日程中的重要組成部分奠定了堅實的基礎。


He said: "We are delighted with the positive feedback from exhibitors about the two shows working in conjunction. SDUK companies say that many people from P&P LIVE have visited them. They are ready to discuss the equipment needed to enter these new markets, inspired by their experience. "More than half of the exhibitors at this year's show reserved stands for 2025.".



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伯明翰 - NEC,英國,英國 伯明翰 - NEC,英國,英國


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