
2024 年電動汽車展

From September 17, 2024 until September 19, 2024
利雅得 - 利雅得前線博覽會,利雅得省,沙特阿拉伯

聯絡資訊 聯絡資訊。參展公司。參展公司 會議發言人 會議發言人 立即預訂您的展位。工程師。 Saleh AI Khabti 沙烏地阿拉伯投資部 (MISA) 副部長。阿夫塔布‧艾哈邁德 (Aftab Ahmed),國家工業發展中心汽車部門首席顧問。阿卜杜拉赫曼‧F‧阿爾‧莫艾克爾 (Abdulrahman F. Al Moaiqel)。艾哈邁德·薩米爾·埃爾伯姆巴利。 Badr Hanbazaza社區關係總監

17 年 19 月 2024 日至 XNUMX 日。沙烏地阿拉伯利雅德國際會展中心。

The third edition will be held from September 17th to 19, 2024. The growing demand for exhibition spaces will make 2024 the largest EV Auto Show ever held in Saudi Arabia, the Middle East and beyond. This will give you more chances to present your brand on the global EV Market. The exhibition aims to promote electric mobility as well as unite key stakeholders and decision makers in the EV sector. The event gives exhibitors the chance to display their Electric Vehicles and Innovative Equipment, Technologies and Services for the EV sector to an enthused crowd of policymakers and business leaders. Investors, thought leaders, and a broad range of end users will also be present. This event is positioned as the hub that drives the future of this industry.Saudi Arabia is making great strides to develop electric vehicles and aims to export and manufacture more than 150.000 electric cars by the year 2026.The event aligns with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goal to achieve a transition to clean technology and sustainable sources of energy.In Saudi Arabia, the electric vehicle and sustainability segments are growing at a rapid rate.The event was the first and largest exhibition of electric vehicles and technologies that brought together the entire ecosystem for electric mobility under one roof.





利雅得 - 利雅得前線博覽會,利雅得省,沙特阿拉伯 利雅得 - 利雅得前線博覽會,利雅得省,沙特阿拉伯


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